696: Our name comes from...
When you pronounce the numbers 696 in Japanese, it sounds as 'Ro, Ku, Ro,' which means 'Potter's Wheel'
About Us
696 is a place for carefully curated ceramics, vessels, and objects by selected Japanese craft-men and designers. We offer handcrafted, fine quality and material-first objects, and we’re proud in our effort to lead the way in offering small-scale sustainably produced goods that at its core celebrate tradition.
Our mission is simple. Appreciate the daily act of gathering around a table, in sharing a meal, in a quiet act of gratitude and conversation, or a joyous expression of celebration. With old friends and loved ones, or new people and new connections. Enjoy the daily ritual and treat each meal sacredly, an act, a ceremony that binds us together as humankind. It should never be taken for granted, and we hope to provide objects that encourage such occasion, every day.
Artists and makers carefully source their materials to cater to the intent and function of the object. They do this by utilizing local materials found within their region. These materials then become the root and intention for their objects and form as designs are given life by the physical characteristics of these native materials.In making these objects available, 696 hopes to also provide a platform to educate, embolden and express the back story, traditions, and culture of these makers and to provide beautiful objects that become vehicles of tradition, and a reminder to celebrate each meal, to honor these moments of ceremony, every day.